The Cool Kids // Take Notes from June Ambrose & Monica Rose’s Stylish Kiddies! Don’t Leave Your Seed Behind!

0 Posted by - January 2, 2013 - Celebrity, Fashion, Shop

Kids’ fashion has entered a brand new playing field. With the increase in fashion blogs, sites and shopping brands for kids, the realm of children’s clothing has all the way branched out among the hottest fashion trends.

There is nothing wrong with having a swagged out cutie. Think with less boundaries and limits; show their personality through clothing with tons of expression! If you have a funny kid, you can buy more graphic tees, silly sayings and casual clothing. For a more serious kid grab some blazers, cardigans and straight leg pants. Also, let your child be the judge. Allowing your child to have more say is a great way for them to develop a sense of taste and intellect early. They’ll be dressing themselves in no time!



Celebrity Fashion stylist June Ambrose may know how to style celebrities but she also kicks butt when it comes to her little fashion heirs. Check out her son and daughter’s style!





Monica Rose, another celebrity stylist has even made an IG for her adorable daughter Alia! Check out Alia’s adorable style!




To get your little bundle of joy a jumpstart on a stylish track, here are a few sites and brands to check out for cute, reasonable kids fashion clothing! Go make it happen! Be sure to send us those looks!

[written by: @HeartofGold_B, edited by @Miagrr]

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