Will You Shop Macy’s On Thanksgiving Day? It’ll Be Open!

0 Posted by - October 15, 2013 - Fashion, Shop

Music to your ears or don’t care that much? Macy’s announced they will be open and in full selling mode on Thanksgiving Day this year.

Usually stores are open the day before the holiday and the biggest selling day in retail is the day right after. During Thanksgiving it’s known as Black Friday! Stores are said to have some of their biggest sales the day right after a huge holiday in order to get rid of the old and bring in the new!

This year, Macy’s takes it a step further and gets anxious with an opening on Thanksgiving Day! We assume there will be major discounts this day, as an early option to Black Friday, but will it make a difference in their sales? Will consumers be just as anxious to shop Macy’s on Thanksgiving Day as they usually are for Black Friday?


We’re anxious to see how it all goes down but we’re not necessarily a fan of sacrificing what’s supposed to be family time for the greed of large businesses, especially when these families and employees are getting paid so little money. The retail and fashion world are changing drastically. Only time will tell how far people will go for fashion!

Will you shop Macy’s on Thanksgiving Day?



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